Friday 25 December 2015




When we think of sports, muscles and titles like Mr. Universe everybody all over
the world thinks of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Perhaps he is the most famous
Austrian personality we have at the moment. Arnold wasn’t just a Body-Builder,
Arnold is also an actor, who played in films like Terminator or True Lies. I think
Arnold is an excellent example for The American Dream. He had enough
ambition to fulfil his wishes he had since his early age. But ambition isn’t enough
he says in his interviews: “You have to separate your emotions from your work.
You have to leave your emotions beside to concentrate completely on your
training. If you reached a target, you will have enough time for joy, love and your
friends.” Because of these statements Arnold is often regarded as a stone-cold
person. I suppose that’s not true. I believe that he is very ambitious and he knows
what he wants. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been so successful.

Arnold's career as Body-Builder:

On 30th july1947 one of the most popular and famous austrian person was born in
a little styrian city named Thal near Graz as the son of Gustav Schwarzenegger
and Aurelia Jadrny, Arnold Schwarzenegger. He always wanted to be a good
sportsman, so he began very early with his boxing and athletic exercises and to
play football in his hometown. His father often cheered him to take the sport more
serious. But Arnold always did what he wanted to do. At the age of 13 he told his
classmates that he wanted to be the best bodybuilder in the world. So he
switched one year later from playing soccer to bodybuilding. He started his
training with the former Mr.Austria Kurt Marnul. One year later Dr. Karl Gerstl
supported Arnold mentally, to get more
powerful, and to have the will to win. In
order to that he was ready to start his professional bodybuilding career with
seventeen. But a short stay in the prison interrupted his career.
To stay in the prison was not part of his plan, to become the most famous
bodybuilder, nevertheless it was necessary to start it.

He had to perform one year of military service. He asked his superiors if he could
leave Austria for a few days to take part in a bodybuilding-competition in
Stuttgart. But they didn't let him go. That’s why Arnold had to leave the barracks
illegally. When he returned, he couldn't even explain where he was. He had been
locked up at once for seven days. The superiors, who incarcerated him saw that
this wasn't just a simple competition "Private Schwarzenegger" won in Stuttgart:
Now Arnold was Mr. Europe Junior. After this week in prison, Arnold was allowed
to continue his training in the barracks. That was the end of Arnold’s military

In the same year (1966) Arnold left the junior-league and participated in the
professional league. He had real achievements considering a 19-year-old
debutant. He became "Best built man of Europe" and won "The International
Body-Building Competition", both in Germany. Arnold realized that he  the
chance to be the best built man in the world.
So he travelled in the same year to London, where he wanted to win the Mr.
Universe competition. When he arrived a lot of fans and other body builders
surrounded the newcomer of the bodybuilding business. Arnold felt that he was
something special, and that he was ready to be Mr. Universe. Unfortunately Chet
Yorton (left) beat Arnold Schwarzenegger. He persuaded the judges with his
unique show.

So Arnold trained his body to make it more and more imposing. He created new
training methods to train some more muscles. Prepared to win he travelled one
year later, in 1967, back to London again, to beat Chet Yorton. But there was a
new rival in the competition, Denis Tinerino. Before the contest even started
everybody thought, Arnold wouldn’t have the chance to win against Denis.
However Arnie was enthusiastic enough to win. Arnold realized, that being the
best is as important as having the desire to win. Now Arnold was at the age of 20
years the youngest Mr. Universe of the World in his classification, the National
Amateur Body-Building Association (NABBA). To be the best built man in the
world, Arnold had to win in two other classifications, in the Professional Body-
Builders classification, and the International Federation of Body-Builders (IFBB)
classification. His task was to win them all. And he will…

So he went back to Munich for one year, where he founded a fitness-centre,
visited an economy school, and trained up to six hours a day. Now he was
prepared for the competitions in the other classifications. He took part at the Mr.
Universe competitions in the Professional League. Afterwards he won the Mr.
International Title in Mexico. But one title was missing: Mr. Olympia
Therefore he moved to California, where he trained among the best body-builders
in the world. During the next 2 years, Arnold participated in several contests all
over the world; he won new titles, and defeated his old one. At the end of the year
1969 he won every title, except Mr. Olympia in the IFBB classification. Arnold
knew what he had to do. Unluckily there was another challenger named Sergio
Olivia (right), who won the Mr. Olympia title since 1967 without interruption. In
1970 the IFBB Competitions of Mr. Olympia took place in New York. Everybody
knew that this will be a hard fight between Arnold and Sergio; in the end there
was only one winner, only one name: Arnold Schwarzenegger
So he reached his target at the age of 23. He reached what he trained for since
he was 15 years old. Within 8 years he won against every competitor.
Furthermore he defeated the Mr Olympia title for six years. In 1981 he finally quit
his bodybuilding actor::rhe

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s titles:

1965 Mr. Europe Junior (Germany)
1966 Best-Built Man in Europe (Germany)
1966 Mr. Europe (Germany)
1966 International Bodybuilding Competition (Germany)
1967 NABBA Mr. Universe amateur league (England)
1968 NABBA Mr. Universe professional league (England)
1968 German Bodybuilding Competition (Germany)
1968 IFBB Mr. International (Mexico)
1969 IFBB Mr. Universe - amateur league (USA)
1969 NABBA Mr. Universe professional league (England)
1970 NABBA Mr. Universe professional league (England)
1970 Mr. World (USA)
1970 IFBB Mr. Olympia (USA)
1971 IFBB Mr. Olympia (France)
1972 IFBB Mr. Olympia (Germany)
1973 IFBB Mr. Olympia (USA)
1974 IFBB Mr. Olympia (USA)
1975 IFBB Mr. Olympia (South Africa)
1976 IFBB Mr. Olympia (Australia)
1981 IFBB Mr. Olympia (Australia)

Arnold's career as actor:

+In 1970 Arnold plays his first role in a film called Hercules in New York. This film
has an extremely bad story, and it’s Arnold’s first role in a film. He performs bad,
he doesn’t even know, how to speak English in a right way. His pronunciation is
very horrible, that’s why his voice has to be synchronized. 3 years later he gets
once again a role in a film called The long Goodbye. His function is very simple:
He is the leader of a gang who fights against everyone. Bad actors, bad story.
That’s why Arnold Schwarzenegger decides to retreat temporary of the film-

After his last but one Mr. Olympia title he decided to switch the business once
again because in 1976 the director Joe Sante wanted to make a film about a
body builder, who took part in a Body-Building Competition and found a woman
he loved. Arnold was the perfect actor for this role. The film was
called Mr. Universe/stay hungry. 1977 he becomes the Golden
Globe in the section “Best Newcomer of the Year” for the role in
the film Stay Hungry. In the same year he becomes an offer to
play himself in a documentation. This was the perfect chance for
him to show to the public that a body-builder also has emotions
though all those muscles. Critics were positively surprised, and
saw that Arnold Schwarzenegger, formerly Mr. Olympia, is a fantastic actor too.
After the flop The villain, Arnold Schwarzenegger had no offers for films
anymore. Perhaps it was very boring, so he won the Mr. Olympia title once again.
One year later he played the main-role in the film Conan the Barbarian. He
plays a slaved fighter who desires for revenge on Thulsa Doom, because he
killed his parents when he was a child. For Arnold this was the first serious film,
where he made much experience. The continuation of Conan the barbarian was
Conan the destroyer.

A film, which sets more on action than his predecessors.
One year later Arnold radvertises
eputation as he plays the
role of the bad guy in the low-budget film Terminator
directed by James Cameron. He has luck, because the film
is really successful. The film is voted among the ten best
films of the century. The success of Terminator catapults
Arnold between the most famous, popular and desired
stars in Hollywood. Because of films like Commando
(1985), Raw Deal (1986), Predator (1986), Running Man
(1987) and Red Heat (1988) Arnold’s reputation changed
into the best action-film-actor in his time. But Arnold also
acts in comedies like Twins (1989), together with Danny DeVito, and
Kindergarten Cop (1990). But 1990 he made the film Total Recall, a futuristic
Thriller, too. In my opinion this film has the best story of all films in which Arnold
Schwarzenegger played. At the end you do not know what was dreamed, and
what was reality.
His greatest commercial success so far was Terminator 2 – The Judgment Day
(1992), a continuation of the low-budget film of the year 1984. Worldwide,
Terminator 2 brought in over 500 million dollars. Furthermore Last Action Hero
(1994), True Lies (1994), Junior (1996), Eraser (1996), Jingle All The Way
(1997), Batman & Robin (1999), End of Days (1999) and The Sixth Day (2000)
were also aby prospering.

  Arnold as a person:

Arnold never had a simple life. But his ambition helped him through his hard
days. In 1972 for example his brother Meinhard died because of a car accident, in
1973 hi s father Gustav Schwarzenegger died. He helped his mother Aurelia
where and when he could, but in 1998 she died too.
Although there were also good times in his life. For example in 1977 he meets a
girl named Maria Shriver. Nine years later he will marry her. Marie Shriver
directed him to the organisation of Special Olympics, and in 1979 he advertises

for the Special Olympics, and made them more and more popular. Moreover he
finishes his Economy-studies in Wisconsin he started in 1968 in Munich. In 1983
he got the American nationality. You see, that Arnold was never lazy. He found
the time to help handicapped people, and to found his own body building
competitions like the Arnold Classic in 1989. In 1990 he becomes president of the
committee for national fitness among President George Bush. His task was to
help young people who don’t have a family or a job, to do something useful. He
wanted them to stop taking drugs or to hang around in gangs. In 1991 he
becomes the Award for Humanity from the Simon Wiesenthal Centre because
of his efforts towards the Holocaust.
Additionally he owns several restaurants all over the world named Planet
Hollywood as well. These are restaurants like the Hard Rock Cafes. Arnold is
one of 4 owners. The others are Demi Moore, Bruce Wi llis and Sylvester

Unhappily he had problems with his health. In 1997 he had to make a heart-
operation, which forced him to stop making movies for two years. But the
operation proceeded without complications.
Today, Arnold won’t think of stopping making films. He plans the continuation of
Terminator 2 and True Lies. In fall the productions of Terminator 3 will start.
Now Arnold is 54 years old, but he has the power and the ambition like he had
when he was 18 years old. I think he is the kind of person that will ever stay
hungry. As well I believe that he reached so much, so that he cannot stop being
popular and famous. It’s like a drug. There is only one difference: It won’t kill you.
It’s the other way around. It makes one’s life beautiful…

Thursday 24 December 2015

Stephen William Hawking's

Stephen William Hawking:

Stephen William Hawking was born on January 1942 in
Oxford. Stephen’s father was a physician and specialist in tropical diseases and his mother Isabel was active in the Liberal Party. The most important event of his life occurred on December 31, 1962. He met his future wife, Jane Wilde, at a New Year’s Eve party. One month later, he was diagnosed with a terrible disease, ALS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. When he was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
and the prognosis of death within two years.

Today, Stephen Hawking is still alive and one of the most prominent astrophysics.At that time Hawking himself has said that “what really made a difference was that I got engaged to a woman named Jane Wilde. This gave me something to live for.” They married in July of 1965. He went on to have three children with Jane, and now has one grandchild. Hawking’s two sons,
Due to the gradual loss of control of his body, Hawking has had plenty of time to adapt to
his situation.

However, this gradual loss of functionality brought a face of uncertainly to
his life. Walking would become increasingly difficult, leading to the need of a
wheelchair, arms and hands became weaker, so, eating and writing would become

Speaking and swallowing also would become labored. Finally, the only
muscles that are left untouched are heart and muscles involved in digestion and waste
elimination, and the sexual organs, with a fully functional brain. Despite the fatal
prospect of this disease and the loss of functionality of his legs he got married in 1965.

The first assistive technology, Stephen Hawking used was a wheelchair. After he
caught pneumonia from one of his business trips, he could no longer communicate
(through speaking or writing). He described that he was literally trapped in his mind.
The only way he could communicate was through use of his eyebrows when someone
pointed to the correct letter on alphabet card. Walt Woltsoz, computer expert, provided
Stephen with a communication program which he had developed in order to assist his
disabled mother-in-law. The program had a built-in speech synthesizer. The original
device had electrodes attached to his head to enable him to select words displayed on a
computer screen. However, one of Hawking’s students adapted the device to a handheld
controller, similar to a computer mouse, allowing him to click on words and phrases to
compose sentences. For the first time after a very long time, Stephen Hawking was able
to write and speak without a help of another human being. Stephen’s nurse’s husband, a
computer engineer, was able to mount a computer screen, and speech synthesize to his
electric wheelchair, allowing him to communicate without being chained to a desk.

Important Works of Stephen Hawking:

Hawking has made his reputation by investigating, in great detail, one particular set of problems: the singularity and horizons around black holes and at the beginning of time. Now, everyone is sure if you encountered a black hole, it would be the last thing you ever encountered–and that is correct! A black hole is a massive system so centrally condensed that the force of gravity prevents everything within it, even light, from escaping.

Hawking’s first major work was published with Roger Penrose, a physicist very famous in his own right, and George Ellis, during the period 1968-1970. They demonstrated that every solution to the equations of general relativity guarantees the existence of a singular boundary for space and time in the past. This is now known as the “singularity theorem,” and is a tremendously important finding.

Later, working by himself, in 1974, he began to formulate ideas about the quantum evaporation of exploding black holes, the now famous “Hawking radiation.” These are all tremendously important scientific works.

In 1984 Stephen worked with James Hartle, a professor at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Using an elegant vacuum fluctuation model, they were able to provide a mathematical rationalization for the entire universe popping into existence at the beginning of time. This is also called the “universe as a wave function.” I need to emphasize that they were using very simple models. Now, while such mathematical exercises are highly speculative, they may eventually lead us to a deeper understanding of this creation event.

Notable Awards:

Adams Prize (1966)
FRS (1974)[15]
Eddington Medal (1975)
Maxwell Medal and Prize (1976)
Heineman Prize (1976)
Hughes Medal (1976)
Albert Einstein Award (1978)
CBE (1982)
RAS Gold Medal (1985)
Dirac Medal (1987)
Wolf Prize (1988)
CH (1989)
Prince of Asturias Award (1989)
Andrew Gemant Award (1998)
Naylor Prize and Lectureship (1999)
Lilienfeld Prize (1999)
Albert Medal (Royal Society of Arts) (1999)
Copley Medal (2006)
Presidential Medal of Freedom (2009)
Fundamental Physics Prize (2012)

Wednesday 23 December 2015

The man of "IRON" Mike Tysen

Michael Gerard "Mike" Tyson:

“Iron” Mike Tyson was born in Brooklyn, New York on June 30th,
1966. After his father abandoned him and his mother passed away, Tyson was adopted
by Cus D’Amato, a boxing manager and trainer. Tyson moved frequently around New
York and was a trouble child at a young age. In fact, Tyson was already arrested 38

times by the age of thirteen. Tyson was introduced to boxing by Bobby Stewart, a
former boxer and juvenile detention center counselor, in Johnstown, a town in Fulton

Tyson went on to win a silver medal in the 1982 Junior Olympic Games, where he won
every fight by knockout. The 16-year-old also set a world record by knocking out an
opponent in a mere eight seconds.
His professional career began in March 1985 in Albany, where he beat Hector
Mercedes in a first round knockout. Tyson went on to win 26 of his first 28 fights by KO.

His first nationally televised fight was in Troy in February 1985, where he knocked out
Jesse Ferguson in six rounds.
Tyson became the youngest heavyweight champion ever in November 1986 when, at
the age of 20, he captured the WBC heavyweight championship after knocking out
Trevor Berbick in two rounds. In March 1987, Tyson added the WBA heavyweight
championship to his résumé after defeating James Smith. Only five months later, Tyson
became the undisputed heavyweight champion after capturing the IBF heavyweight
championship from Tony Tucker in a twelve-round unanimous decision.
Tyson was the undisputed champion for three years, until his reign ended in Tokyo in a
classic bout with Buster Douglas. Tyson recovered from this defeat by beating a series
of up-and-coming opponents until he became the number one contender to the
undisputed champion, Evander Holyfield. The former champion’s chance to reclaim the
belts was put on hold after Tyson was convicted on rape charges and served three
years in prison.
Upon his release, Tyson took back WBC title after knocking out Frank Bruno in three
rounds and the WBA belt by knocking out Bruce Seldon in just one. Tyson finally faced
Evander Holyfield in 1996 and lost his belts in an eleventh-round technical knockout.
A year later, Tyson and Holyfield were set to fight once again for the heavyweight
championships. It quickly became one of the most controversial moments in sports
history when Tyson bit a piece of Holyfield’s ear off in the third round. Tyson’s boxing
license was subsequently and temporarily revoked.
Following the Holyfield fight, Tyson went on to guest star on many WWF programs until
he attempted to restart his boxing career. Tyson defeated Francois Botha in 1999
before spending nine months in prison for assault. Tyson returned to the boxing ring
soon after, winning five bouts before challenging Lennox Lewis for the undisputed
heavyweight championship in 2002. Lewis controlled most of the fight and beat Tyson in
eight rounds.
After the Lewis fight, Tyson continued to fight against minor opponents, but only won
once. He filed for bankruptcy in 2003. His boxing record is 50 wins, 6 losses, and 2 no
contests, with 44 wins by knockout.

MIKE TYSON is a larger-than-life legend both in and out of the ring. Tenacious, talented, and
thrilling to watch, Tyson embodies the grit and electrifying excitement of the sport. With
nicknames such as “Iron” Mike, Kid Dynamite, and The Baddest Man on the Planet, it’s no
surprise that Tyson’s legacy is the stuff of legend. Tyson was one of the most feared boxers in
the ring -- and one look at his resume proves he is one of boxing’s greats. Aside from having
been the undisputed heavyweight champion, Tyson holds the record as the youngest boxer to
win the World Boxing Council, World Boxing Association and International Boxing Federation
world heavyweight titles. He was the first heavyweight boxer to hold the WBA, WBC and IBF
titles simultaneously. In 2011, Tyson was also inducted into the Boxing Hall of Fame. Tyson’s
enduring mass appeal owes not only to his incomparable athleticism, but to his huge personality
and unrivaled showmanship. And his ability to work a crowd extends far beyond the ring --
Tyson’s career in entertainment spans blockbuster movies (“The Hangover” and “The Hangover
2”), television (Animal Planet’s “Taking on Tyson”), and his own clothing company (shirts are
available on his website). Tyson is also the CEO of his own production company, Tyrannic
Productions, and currently has several film projects in development.

Major Accomplishments:

Junior Olympic Games Champion Heavyweight 1982,
National Golden Gloves Champion Heavyweight 1984, Undisputed Heavyweight
champion (held all three major championship belts; WBA, IBF, and WBC) — August 1,

1987 – February 11, 1990, WBC Heavyweight Champion — November 22, 1986 –
February 11, 1990, March 16, 1996 – 1997 (Vacated), WBA Heavyweight Champion —
March 7, 1987 – February 11, 1990, September 7, 1996 – November 9, 1996, IBF
Heavyweight Champion — August 1, 1987 – February 11, 1990 and Ring Magazine
Fight of the Year — 1986 and 1988.

Secrets behind Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson did not like his reflection in the mirror. He was obsessed with it, changing it many
times in an effort to love his image. In analyzing Michael Jackson’s responses given in various
interviews regarding his appearance and personal history, it becomes increasingly evident the
childhood trauma and loneliness has on mental well-being. It emerged that Michael Jackson should
have been diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and that had the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, a diagnostic tool used by the medical profession, been more clear as to the
importance of etiology, and the diagnostic features more concise and encompassing rather than fuzzy
and overlapping, Michael Jackson may have been effectively diagnosed and treated, avoiding becoming
the man in the mirror.

Michael Jackson – The Performer:

 Michael Joseph Jackson (born 1958) is truly a music legend. He
became a superstar at the age of eleven as a member of his family
band The Jackson 5. His solo career earned him the title "King of
Pop". His studio albums have all become classics. Jackson is equally
famous for his high energy and complicated dance techniques such
as the Moonwalk. He died in 2009 at the age of 50.
Jackson dominated the music charts throughout the 1970s, 80s and
90s. His distinctive vocal style, rhythm and fashion were perfect for
the new music video age. MTV enthusiastically played his videos to
the world. His ‘Thriller’ video had all the excitement of a major
movie release. Jackson became a true icon of pop culture and
influenced dozens of today’s top stars.
Jackson’s personal life created significant controversy and earned
him a nickname he hated, ‘Wacko Jacko’. He angered many by
having plastic surgery and lightening his skin to look white. His
reputation was badly damaged in several high-profile child sexual
abuse cases in 2003 and 2005. The courts cleared him on both
His awards and records are proof of the phenomenal success he
achieved. He won World Music Award's Best-Selling Pop Male Artist
of the Millennium, and was the American Music Award's Artist of the
Century. ‘Thriller’ remains the best selling album of all time. ‘Vanity
Fair’ magazine named him the "Most popular artist in the history of
show business".

Michael Jackson was “perhaps the most exciting performer of his generation” (Elber, 2009, para. 11).
He would stand on stage for a full three minutes, motionless, no music playing, bringing the crowd to a
frenzy. His attire was always militant-looking, his pants above the ankles to show his trade-mark glitter
socks, intended to draw attention to his famous footwork. The building of emotions during the first
three minutes of his concerts was beyond belief – each person feeding off the reaction of the next – a
virtual wave of emotion. Then, in his distinct fashion, Jackson would begin with a bang, grabbing his
crotch and pushing his leg into the air. His voice and dance moves both strong and commanding, his
striving for perfection and his talent were very much apparent on stage.
In watching Michael’s concerts, the surreal atmosphere of the environment emerges. If he could affect
one person, it would have a ripple effect, for “it has been repeatedly shown that people unintentionally
catch another person’s affective state” (Epstude & Mussweiler, 2009, p. 2). The excitement induced by
Michael Jackson was somewhat akin to euphoria – he took his fans to another dimension. Once this
state of euphoric social induction has been experienced persons may identify with the leader of the
experience. This explains Jackson’s ability to affect masses of people even outside of his concerts. In
essence, “comparison processes between model and observer are an important determinant of the
affective reaction to the emotion of another person” (Epstude & Mussweiler, 2009, p. 2). The social
induction such as those Michael Jackson elicited from his fans would essentially feed the needs of
someone afflicted with NPD.

Michael Jackson's Death:

La Toya Jackson, sister of Michael Jackson, reveals the truth behind her brothers death. “My brother was murdered.”

The Autopsy Report:

[PDF] - Michael Jackson Autopsy Report

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Celebrities and cricketers say about sachin

Sachin Tendulker

Sachin holds most of the important batting records 
in Tests and ODIs including most runs, hundreds 
and appearances.

Sachin is not as flamboyant or as arrogant as Viv Richards even 
though Sachin has more ability.... He never displayed arrogance, 
something that Sunil Gavaskar did sometimes.     -kapil dev

No player is perfect, in that they can execute every shot in the book 
perfectly, but Tendulkar has no obvious weaknesses.... He is brave, fit 
and possesses a great desire to score runs. What more do you need?    
-Angus fraser

Sachin should be used as an internatnal ambassador for cricket. 
His own personal ethics towards his industry and its people should 
be maximised for the continued healthy growth of the game.  -peter Kristen

Nobody has ever come close to him and there is no question of 
comparing anyone with him. He is the best ever; there is no Ponting 
and no Lara, and not even Sir Don Bradman; Sachin is simply the best.             -ganguly

Sachin will remain amongst the top three batters I have watched. For 
pure technique and for effortlessly shouldering the burden of more 
than a billion people day in and day out.      -Shaun pollock

He is made of the right stuff. It’s in his genes: he has the maturity 
and good sense to acknowledge all the adulation with calm modesty. 
Perhaps deep down, he knows that it is only a game. -David frith

He stands proudly for India and plays with his heart on his sleeve for 
the pride of his country. Not many people can have that position in a 
country’s psyche!  -Brett lee

We have this running competition between ourselves in the Bangladeshi 
team to see who can get him out so that we can talk about it years later 
when we all have quit the game.       
-shahip all hasan

Like any other great player, he has an array of shots, but more often 
than not he sticks to the basics. Personally, his straight drive is very 
pleasing. He is a complete batsman.          -mike getting

I don’t believe there will be another Tendulkar, and his achievements 
on the cricket field will never be matched. Like Sir Donald Bradman’s 
batting average of 99.94. -graeme hick

Sachin’s innate talent combined optimally with him being a true Indian, 
a team player and a hard worker brings him to the cusp of achieving 
what no other cricketer has achieved.
-kiren more

Sachin Tendulkar’s charm goes beyond the field. For cricket, he is 
Maradona and Pele out together – it is as simple as that. Cricket will 
be a poorer sport when he quits the game. -Allen Donald

It takes a master to produce a masterpiece. Lesser mortals might 
tap into the well of brilliance or temporarily befriend inspiration, but 
mastery belongs to the precious few.
-peter roebuck

Where would Tendulkar be if not for Ramakant Achrekar’s 
guidance and disciplining in his early days? It is said that 
Achrekar used to take Tendulkar on his bike to all the grounds 
around Mumbai and make him play four-five games every day.

One of his heroes while growing up, and whose 
record he ultimately broke, was Sunil Gavaskar, who 
also gifted Tendulkar with light-weight pads, which 
Tendulkar wore when he made his debut and later, 
when he scored his first Test hundred.

Don Bradman anointed Tendulkar as the modern 
day master, the one who reminded him the most of 
himself. The baton had been passed. They famously 
met at the former’s residence in Adelaide in 1998 
with Shane Warne for company.

It wasn’t until I really played against him that I 
understood that there was a tiger that lay within him: 
he was a very competitive little man.       
-Mathew Hayden

The best thing about Sachin is he never sledges. During the matches 
in Toronto for the Sahara Cup in the late 1990s, I abused him. But by 
choosing not to reply, he showed how great a human being he is.-Mustaq

Vijay Mallya

Vijay Mallya Profile

Vijay Mallya
Achievement: Chairman of the United Beverages (UB) Group; Launched a new domestic airline called Kingfisher Airline; Rajya Sabha M.P.

Vijay Mallya is the Chairman of the United Beverages (UB) Group. He recently launched a new domestic airline called Kingfisher Airline which is making great waves. Vijay Mallya is famous for his flamboyant and flashy lifestyle.

Vijay Mallya is the son of a famous industrialist Vittal Mallya. He assumed the Chairman of the UB Group in 1983 and took the company to great heights. Under his dynamic leadership the group has grown into a multi-national conglomerate of over sixty companies. During this process United Beverages acquired several companies abroad. The UB Group has diversified business interests ranging from alcoholic beverages to life sciences, engineering, agriculture, chemicals, information technology and leisure.

In 2005, Vijay Mallya established Kingfisher Airlines. In a short span of time Kingfisher Airline has carved a niche for itself. It was the first airline in India to operate with all new aircrafts. Kingfisher Airlines is also the first Indian airline to order the Airbus A380.

Vijay Mallya has other interests too apart from business. He has won trophies in professional car racing circuits and is a keen yachtsman and aviator. Vijay Mallya has also won numerous trophies in horse racing including several prestigious Derbies. 

In 2000, Vijay Mallya entered politics superceded Subramaniam Swamy as the president of Janata Party. Presently, he is a Rajya Sabha M.P.

Mukesh Ambani

Mukesh Ambani Profile

Mukedh Ambani
Born: April 19, 1957
Achievement: Chairman and Managing Director of Reliance Industries Limited, India's largest private sector company; Chosen as ET Business Leader of the Year 2006; Ranked 42nd among the World's Most Respected Business Leaders and second among the four Indian CEOs featured in a survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers and published in Financial Times, London, November 2004. 

Mukesh Ambani is the face of new emerging India. He is the Chairman and Managing Director of Reliance Industries Limited, India's largest private sector company.

Mukesh Ambani was born on April 19, 1957 in Mumbai. His father Dhirubhai Ambani was then a small businessman who later on rose to become one of the legends of Indian industry. Mukesh Ambani did his Bachelors in Chemical Engineering from University of Bombay and Masters in Business Administration from Stanford University, USA. 

Mukesh Ambani joined Reliance in 1981 and was the brain behind Reliance's backward integration from textiles into polyester fibres and further into petrochemicals. During the process of backward integration, Mukesh Ambani led the creation of 51 new, world-class manufacturing facilities involving diverse technologies that raised Reliance's manufacturing capacities manifold. 

World's largest grassroots petroleum refinery at Jamnagar is the brainchild of Mukesh Ambani. He was also the incharge of Dhirubhai's dream project Reliance Infocomm. But after the split in the Reliance Empire, Reliance Infocomm went to his brother Anil Ambani. Mukesh Ambani is now planning to enter retail sector in a big way. He has plans to establish big retail stores all over the country. Recently, he also entered into an agreement with Haryana Government to establish a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) with an investment running into thousands of crores.

Mukesh Ambani has many achievements and honours to his name. Mukesh Ambani was chosen as the ET Business leader of the Year 2006. He was ranked 42nd among the World's Most Respected Business Leaders and second among the four Indian CEOs featured in a survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers and published in Financial Times, London, November 2004. He was conferred the World Communication Award for the Most Influential Person in Telecommunications in 2004 by Total Telecom, October, 2004. Mukesh Ambani was also conferred the Asia Society Leadership Award by the Asia Society, Washington D.C., USA,

Anand Mahindra

Anand Mahindra

Born On: 1st May, 1955
Born In: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Career: Entrepreneur

Anand Mahindra is the Managing Director and Vice Chairman of the Mahindra & Mahindra Group, which is amongst the top ten industrial houses in India. This renowned group was established by his grandfather K.C. Mahindra in Ludhiana, Punjab. Anand Mahindra is interested in educational issues and sports and thus, is a member of Harvard Business School - Asia-Pacific Advisory Board, Harvard Business School - Member of the Board of Dean's Advisors, Harvard University Asia Centre - Advisory Committee, Asia Business Council, National Sports Development Fund (NSDF), Government of India - Council and Executive Committee, The Nehru Centre, Mumbai - Executive Committee, National Council of Applied Economic Research, National Institute of Bank Management, Pune - Governing Board. A long list, don't you think? Apart from this, he is a big fan of football and plays tennis quite a lot too. Read on to know more about the man behind the Mahindra & Mahindra Group. 

Early Life
Anand Mahindra was born on 1st May, 1955 in Mumbai, Maharashtra and belongs to a famous business family. He is the son of late Harish Mahindra and Indira Mahindra. In 1977, he pursued a graduate degree at the Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachusetts. He was a member of the Phoenix S.K. Club. In 1981, he finished his Masters in Business Administration from the Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts. He is now married to Anuradha Mahindra, who is the famous editor of the magazines 'Verve' and 'Man's World' and is the Editor-in-Chief of Rolling Stone India. The couple together has two daughters. 

In 1981, Anand Mahindra came back to India and joined the Mahindra Ugine Steel Company (MUSCO) as an Executive Assistant to the Finance Director. In 1989, he became the President of this leading group and this was when he expanded the company into the sectors of real estate development and hospitality. In 1991, he was assigned the duty of Deputy Managing Director of Mahindra & Mahindra Group. He took the responsibility as the Managing Director of the business in 1997 and became the Vice Chairman in 2003. Besides this, he was a Co-Promoter of Kotak Mahindra Finance Ltd., and transformed it into a bank in 2003. Kotak Mahindra Bank is now one of the leading banks in the private sector. It was under Anand's management that his group successfully set up global objectives and standards for achieving success. In the year 2002, the Mahindra & Mahindra Group introduced an indigenously developed SUV, the Scorpio, which built positive impressions for the company and helped give it a global identity. Thus, the company has developed through both acquisitions and Greenfield business development. The company's possession activities include the possession of Satyam Computer Services in 2009, Reva Electric Vehicles in 2010 and Ssangyong Motor Company in 2010. 

Anand has been the past President (2003-04) of the Confederation of Indian Industry and has also served the Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) as its President. Anand Mahindra is the Co-Founder of the Harvard Business School Association of India, which is an association devoted to the advancement of professional management in India. He is also the Co-Chairperson of the World Economic Forum at Davos. Mr. Anand is a Director of the National Stock Exchange of India Limited selected under the 'Public Representatives' category. Along with this, he is the Trustee of the K.C. Mahindra Education Trust, which offers scholarships to students and he also on the Board of Governors of the Mahindra United World College of India. He is the Chairman of the National Safety Council of India and is the Founder Chairman of the Mumbai Festival, which began in 2005. This occasion was the first inclusive festival to celebrate the opulent cultural diversity of Maharashtra. Anand Mahindra is the Co-Chairman of the International Council of Asia Society, New York.
Awards and Accolades
Anand Mahindra was honored as the Knight of the Order of Merit by the President of the French Republic in 2004 and also received the Rajiv Gandhi Award for his outstanding contributions to the business field. It was in 2005, when he was awarded the Person of the Year award from Auto Monitor and the Leadership Award from the American India Foundation for the commitments to corporate social responsibility met by him and the Mahindra & Mahindra Group. In 2006, he received the CNBC Asia Business Leader Award and the Ludhiana Management Association presented him with the Entrepreneur of the Year Award. In 2007, he received the honor/title of the 'Most Inspiring Corporate Leader of the Year' from NDTV Profit. He has been entitled as the Business Leader of the Year (2008-2009) by the Economic Times Awards. Recently, Anand was ranked as one of the most influential men & women in Mumbai by Daily News and Analysis. 

Anand Mahindra contributed $ 10 million to the Harvard University in the name of his mother, Indira Mahindra for supporting the Humanities Center. This huge amount was contributed for the advancement of the distinctive interdisciplinary alliances led by the Director of the Humanities Center, Homi Bhabha. Under Anand's supervision, the company opened a new and separate field, Mahindra Systems and Automotive Technologies to lay emphasis on enhanced modules and to offer better engineering services. Apart from this, the firm has made strategic acquisitions of plants in the United Kingdom and China. It has three assembly plants in the United States of America and has collaborated with international companies like Renault SA, Nissan and the International Truck and Engine Corporation, USA. 

1955: Born in Mumbai, Maharashtra
1981: Returned to India and joined Mahindra Ugine Steel Company (MUSCO) as an Executive Assistant to the Finance Director
1989: Became the President of this leading group
1991: Became the Deputy Managing Director of the Mahindra & Mahindra Group
1997: Became the Managing Director of the Mahindra & Mahindra Group
2003: Became the Vice-Chairman of the Mahindra & Mahindra Group
2004: Knight of the Order of Merit by the President of the French Republic. 
2005: Person of the Year from Auto Monitor and Leadership Award from the American India Foundation. 
2006: Received the CNBC Asia Business Leader Award and Entrepreneur of the Year Award by the Ludhiana Management Association. 
2007: Received the Inspiring Corporate Leader of the Year Award from NDTV Profit.

RahulRahul Bajaj

Rahul Bajaj Profile

Rahul Bajaj
Achievement: Chairman of the Bajaj Group

Rahul Bajaj is the Chairman of the Bajaj Group, which ranks among the top 10 business houses in India. The Bajaj Group has diversified interests ranging from automobiles, home appliances, lighting, iron and steel, insurance, travel and finance. Rahul Bajaj is one of India's most distinguished business leaders and internationally respected for his business acumen and entrepreneurial spirit.

Rahul Bajaj is an alumnus of Harvard, St. Stephen's and Cathedral. He took over the reins of Bajaj Group in 1965. Under his stewardship, the turnover of the Bajaj Auto the flagship company has risen from Rs.72 million to Rs.46.16 billion. Rahul Bajaj created one of India's best companies in the difficult days of the licence-permit raj. He established factories at Akurdi and Waluj. In 1980s Bajaj Auto was top scooter producer in India and its Chetak brand had a 10-year waiting period. 

The initiation of liberalization in India posed great challenges for Bajaj Auto. Liberalisation brought the threat of cheap imports and FDI from top companies like Honda. Rahul Bajaj became famous as the head of the Bombay Club, which opposed liberalization. The scooter sails plummeted as people were more interested in motorcycles and the rival Hero Honda was a pioneer in it. 

The recession and stock market collapse of 2001 hit the company hard and it was predicted that the days of Bajaj Auto were numbered. However, Bajaj Auto re-invented itself, established a world-class factory in Chakan, invested in R&D and came up with Bajaj Pulsar Motorcycle. Bajaj Pulsar is currently a leader in its segment.

Recently, Rahul Bajaj was elected to Rajya Sabha from Maharashtra.